Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Oh life.

So, I'm not exactly happy. And I think it's largely because I'm slowly drifting away from a large number of my friends.

So, like any logical person, I'm blogging about it!

It's strange. I'm torn between simply moving on and trying to hold on and repair the damages that are gradually growing. I don't know. See, the thing is... my friends tell crude jokes and make fun of others all the time. And I'm really sick of it. So, what shall I do?...

I think I need to think and pray about this all more. Will get back to you.

Oh, and Little Women has started again, though tonight was just music rehearsal so I didn't need to be there. First normal day back will be tomorrow. Should prove interesting.

Oh... and people want to do a Superbowl Party again this year. I don't know if I want to or not though....


So there.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


So, it's been forever since I last posted.

I'm back at school.

Going to be a crazy semester.

Already had some crazy events. Some difficult ones.

I'm not as happy as I thought I might be right now. I'm okay though.

Life's interesting, you know? Never quite happens like you expect.

I've got a list of people that I want to get to know better this semester. I hope I stick with it, because the people on it are cool. I also hope that my current friends stay such.... though there have been some issues with some of them lately.

I might be going to Australia next Spring. I'm really excited about the possibility, but also kinda scared.... Leaving everyone for so long could be rough. But then, I'd be studying theatre and it'd be really cool. I dunno. I'm thinking about it.

I'm trying to go to Adoration more this semester and Thursday's Noon Prayer/Eucharist at Hopwood. I need to focus on God more. I hope I keep attending both of these events frequently, because they are good events that leave me happier than I was going into them every time. They bring me peace of mind unlike anything else. I see God in them. And that is good.